Maintenance Optimization of Legacy Maritime Assets



  • The Contractor had a long-term contract to provide maintenance and logistics to sustain a class of navy ships at an agreed level of Operational availability (readiness).
  • The platform was not meeting the contracted availability target, and the Contractor required a solution to identify alternative maintenance approaches to improve the availability of the platform, in the context of its Operational usage (mission profile) and operating environment.


The results of the project included:

  1. Gap analysis / validation of OEM maintenance recommendations based on operational data
  2. Identified Poor Performers and recommended changes to the approach / periodicity of maintenance
  3. Increased capability readiness (Operational Availability) of the platform
  4. Reduced sustainment costs for the platform
  5. Recommendations for design improvements
  6. A knowledge base of failures and maintenance actions that the Contractor can reuse across the life of the platform / contract
  7. A means of validating and communicating their analysis to the customer
  8. Analysis solution to model the impact of mission profile / operating environment on maintenance costs


The Contractor analysed the maintenance records for the platform to identify components that were failing more frequently than expected, and used MADE to:

  1. Analysis of maintenance data to identify Poor Performing (PP) components / systems
  2. Identify potential changes to the approach / periodicity of maintenance for PP components
  3. Trade studies to increase capability readiness (Operational Availability) of the platform
  4. Analysis solution to model the impact of mission profile / operating environment on maintenance costs
  5. Calculate potential reduction in sustainment costs for the platform (Maintenance Costs)
  6. Technical / economic validation of recommendations for design improvements
  7. Create a knowledge base of failures and associated maintenance actions that the Contractor can reuse across the life of the platform / contract
  8. A means of validating and communicating their analysis to the customer


MADE was used to generate the following deliverables:

Functional Block Diagrams

Functional Block Diagrams of the selected systems

Reliability Block Diagrams

Reliability Block Diagrams of the systems (to identify PP components)

Failure Diagram

Failure diagrams of PP components (to capture associated physics of failure)


FMEA report for the systems (automatically)

Back - fit RCM

Back-fit RCM analysis conducted on PP


Download the following brochures to find out what MADE can do for you.

Maintenance Optimization of Legacy Assets